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March 2024 Newsletter

March 1, 2024

Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 

🍀 March, 2024 🍀

The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundations' Mission is to enhance the beauty and experience of Lakes Park 

Is Lakes Park a Mini Blue Zone? Here’s my analysis of why I believe it is.

We hear a lot these days about “Blue Zones” the five places in the world where people live the longest and have the highest number of centenarians. Well, I just got back from Sardinia, one of those five blue zones, where we celebrated my Mother-in-laws 100th birthday! It’s emotional to witness the love and respect with which she is treated. Over a hundred people of all ages came together to celebrate with her; family, friends and colleagues. This is a woman who left school after the third grade, went to work at 14, only wore shoes on Sunday to go to church, washed clothes in a stream, never drove and worked for 45 years in the nursery school helping to raise the children in her town. To this day she walks up and down the hills of Sardinia greeted by her neighbors where she stops to talk.
There are several important reasons why people in a Blue Zone live so long.
Community…every Blue Zone has a strong sense of Community where people come together to play, work, enjoy life and watch out for each other
Exercise…people living in Blue Zones walk and move and work around their houses and gardens
Diet…they eat fresh foods and a mostly plant-based “Mediterranean” diet 
Outdoors…they go outdoors to walk, they stop at the bar for a coffee where they visit with their neighbors and read the newspaper
So what do you think... Lakes Park? A mini Blue Zone!
Where else can you walk for miles (sorry no hills) in such a beautiful setting, commune with nature and meet your friends? How about the satisfaction of planting and working your own Garden Bed and then eating the wonderful fresh food you grew? Or come to the Farmers Market buy your fresh food, talk to people, eat your breakfast or lunch while enjoying the park.
Volunteering…with hundreds of volunteers around the park there’s an entire community of people coming together as part of a group working, moving and doing the things they love. 
Family…let’s not forget the many opportunities for families to enjoy the park together picnicking, playing or just relaxing.
So come experience Lakes Park. I can’t guarantee you’ll live to be a hundred but I know you will add to your quality of life in one of the best parks in Lee County! 

Barbara Manzo
President LPEF

The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation gratefully acknowledges

the following major donors ($1000+):

Dr. Andrew Frank Thompson Jr.

Jeff Hanson

Robert Perez

Mariah Kalil

William Conner

Carl Giddings / Jessica Burkhard

Mike Rappaport

John Mayer

Blackbaud Giving Fund – IL Tool Works

Kathleen Schneck

Charles Nason

Dabney Turley

Marsha Asp

Diane Sweeney

We are very grateful to all the additional donors--from all donation levels. Many of them are repeat donors--who’ve assisted us in 2023. Hurricane Ian dealt Lakes Park a mighty blow but with the herculean efforts of Park staff, our dedicated volunteers, and Mother Nature’s amazing regenerative powers, our beloved park is beautiful again. These funds have been directed toward repairing the gardens while we eagerly await promised government funds to restore the water features. New programs are being added and Lakes Park continues to be a wonderful community resource for all of Lee County.
Thank you!

We are happy to introduce our newest member of the Lakes Park

 Board Member: Terry Rose

Terry Rose is devoted to her family, nature, and community, she has strong ties to both Pennsylvania and Fort Myers, Florida. After transitioning to full-time residency in Fort Myers in December 2022, a chance meeting with Kathy Busick during a bird walk became an opportunity to volunteer and then fall in love with Lakes Park.

Terry finds joy and fulfillment in a variety of hobbies, including gardening, art, family time, and cooking. While in Pennsylvania, Terry became a Master Gardener, President of the Little Garden Club of Sewickley, and was involved with many fundraising projects. 

In her role as a volunteer at Lakes Park, Terry has brought fresh ideas and creativity to the table. She channels her passion for crafting into fundraising efforts for the Park, creating handmade goods for sale at farmers' markets to support the park's initiatives.

Terry embodies the spirit of service and dedication, enriching the lives of those around her through her unwavering commitment to family, nature, and community.

Welcome Aboard!

February 24th, 2024
A few special guests took part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Lakes Park on Saturday morning.

Senator Jonathan Martin of Florida's District 33 and professional engineers from across Florida gathered at Lakes Park for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the Hurricane Ian Remembrance and Children’s Engineering Garden. 

The design, build and funding for the Hurricane Ian Remembrance and Children’s Engineering Garden project was led by graduates of the 2023 Florida Engineering Leadership Institute (FELI).

We are proud to be a part of this important endeavor and hope that our community is just as delighted & e

Lakes Park Adventure Passport!
Celebrating 40 years of FUN! 

April 1984 - April 2024

The Lakes Park Adventure Passport: 

In honor of Earth Day & our 40th Anniversary, we are offering a "passport" for your donation. You'll receive "passes" for fun things to do in the Park. Our goal is to purchase & plant 40 trees with your donations.

Learn More & Purchase a Passport here:

7330 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33908

Bringing the 'ARTS' to Lakes Park!

 Florida Rep Theater for Young Children is presenting
"Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day." 
 Partnering with 
Florida Repertory Theatre

When? Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3 PM

Tickets are $5 a piece,
Children under 3 are free
Limited to the first 150 buyers.
On the day of the performance, wristbands will be issued.

Please print the receipt you'll receive via email and bring it with you to get wristband(s) day of the show.

Can also be purchased at The Lakes Park Booth at The Farmers Market

Story Time in The Children's Garden
How Lucky!🍀🍀 2 Story Times This Month!

Greetings Gardeners,

Great News! We had a terrific donation for the Community Cooperative. Our CC Coordinator, Betsy W, gathered over 76 pounds of produce and goods to give the residents of Fort Myers. She and her helper picked carrots, Kale, Collard greens, tomatoes, peas, green beans and arugula.

Thank you to beds 3, 26, 28, 42, 43, 68, 69 and the Children's Garden. So far this season, we have donated almost 400 pounds of produce and goods. Thanks to those who dropped off canned and boxed goods! Everything is very appreciated. 

 everything was taken within an hour of dropping it off. There is a line of people waiting for food each time she goes. There is a real need for food in our area. 
Our next donation day is March 12th.While you are at the store, pick up an extra box or can to donate. Every little bit helps.

Don't let your produce rot or get old in your bed, check it often. 
The garden is looking lush and wonderful thanks to all the rain. 

Thanks again and happy gardening!

Art in Bloom Art Show at Edison and Ford Winter Estates

 FORT MYERS, Fla. (February 26, 2024) -- On March 3 from noon to 4 p.m., Edison and Ford Winter Estates will host the Art in Bloom floral art show in partnership with the Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council. This unique one-day art show features floral designs and works of art from the Rebirth and Renewal exhibit that is currently on display in Thomas Edison's caretaker's house. 

"It only happens here once every two years; we host Art in Bloom – a floral interpretation of an art exhibit showcased in the oldest home in Fort Myers – Edison’s caretaker’s house," said Karen Maxwell, horticulture programs coordinator at Edison and Ford Winter Estates.
The concept of Art in Bloom originated at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and it has become a ritual of spring throughout the country. Unlike other locations, Art in Bloom-Fort Myers is open to any member of a garden club associated with the Garden Council with or without formal training, and the winner is determined by people’s choice voting. The local show does not require conformance to National Garden Club (NGC) standards – i.e., the dying of flowers is permitted here.

Partnering with the Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council, the local umbrella organization for 14 garden clubs and eight garden groups, this year’s event will also serve as a tribute, honoring two floral designers who participated in every Art in Bloom-Fort Myers event since its inception. Sadly, both passed away in September of 2023. These eclectic designers were frequent winners, acknowledged for extraordinary talent with seemingly uncomplicated executions of arrangements that belied the novelty and complex use of pedestrian materials in their floral interpretations.

September of 2023 saw the passing of Winnie Stone, just two weeks shy of her 101st birthday and Suzy Valentine, who would probably decline sharing her age. Stone, originally from Boca Raton moved to Fort Myers after Hurricane Andrew and was a long-time member of the Royal Palm Garden Club and a mentor to Fort Myers’ floral design group known as Potpourri. She applied her critical eye and demonstrated how to make it better, often employing the “Winnie Twist” to a flower or element in the design. She was a national judge and a great friend of Marty Ward who started the Cape Coral Garden Club. Together they tutored many to become sanctioned National Garden Club judges, including Paula Novander, one of this year’s designers.
As bold as her beloved Stifftia chrysantha blooms, Suzy Valentine never shied away from choosing the biggest, brightest art pieces and she tutored students to choose materials from their own garden or borrow from a friend’s garden. Also, an NGC judge and a member of Gulf Coast Garden Club in Bonita Springs, she spent many years in South America and with her late husband David Southall (a noted botanist and nurseryman) she never tired of sharing her horticulture expertise with any willing learner. She believed that good floral design must reflect good horticulture – the understanding of how plants grow, and a Valentine design celebrated good horticulture with the economy of readily sourced garden materials, both alive and dried in a vibrant manner.

Over the years, Art in Bloom-Fort Myers has produced stunning arrangements in themes such as Ford’s Garage, Edison’s Jungle, and Berne Davis’ 100th Birthday. This year, all designers are encouraged to incorporate the style and essence of Winnie Stone and Suzy Valentine in their floral arrangements. Visitors may vote for their favorite floral design and winners will be announced at the end of the show.

Held in many cities across the country, Art in Bloom is a nationally sanctioned event through the National Garden Clubs and the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs. The local Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council was organized in 1957 and is affiliated with both organizations. Edison Ford has a long history with garden clubs, as Mina Edison was a founding member of the Periwinkle Garden Club -- the first garden club in Fort Myers. Today, the Periwinkle Garden Club is a member of the Garden Council.

Art in Bloom is included with admission; tickets may be purchased online at (self-guided tour). Daytime admission is free for Edison Ford members.

Edison and Ford Winter Estates
Edison and Ford Winter Estates is the internationally known winter home site of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. More than 220,000 visitors walk through the location each year from all around the globe. The organization has received many awards, including the National Stewardship Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the National Garden Clubs’ Historic Preservation Award. The property is an official project of “Save America’s Treasures," a Florida Historic Landmark and a National Register Historic Site. The Edison Botanic Laboratory is a National Historic Chemical Landmark. The site is open every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and until 9 p.m. during the month of December for Holiday Nights.​
Copyright (C) 2024 Edison and Ford Winter Estates. All rights reserved.
PHOTOS: Suzy Valentine (Left) and Winnie Stone (Right), of the Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council, stand with their floral designs during a previous Art in Bloom art show.

Bird Patrol Led Nature Walks
1st Saturday of every month!

Bird & Nature Walk  at Lakes Park every First Saturday, of every month!
The tour is FREE with paid parking
Parking is $1/hour or $5/all day
WHEN? 8am Please arrive a few minutes earlier-walks start promptly at 8am
Meet at Shelter A7 located near the Train Station
Bring water, binoculars & sunscreen.
Please wear comfortable shoes 👟 & dress for the weather
INFORMATION: 📞Call (239)533-7275
The Tour is FREE with PAID PARKING.
Parking is $1/hour or $5/all day. 

Did you know?
The Park is part of the Great Florida Birding Trail, where bird habitats are protected in more than 500 locations throughout the state.
Check out this article from Gulf & Main Online Magazine,
"Talk a Walk on The Great Florida Birding Trail"
at the safe link:

Lakes Park Bird Walk

Thank you to all who participated in the Lakes Park Bird Walk on Saturday, February 4th, 20243. We had several expert birders with good eyes, so we were fortunate to see many species.

If you want more information on the species seen, scroll to the bottom of the eBird list for the link to the eBird site. Click on the link to the eBird site. It will take you to our list for today. If you click on the bird species in the list, you will see pictures and details about that species.

 Of course, don't miss the next Bird Patrol-led Bird Walk on the first Saturday in March, March 2, led by Walt Winton, an outstanding guide!

Lots of opportunities to enjoy Florida's great outdoors.
I'm thrilled to see so many people who enjoy the fabulous birds of Lakes Park!
Good Birding.

On this amazing walk, we saw..........

Mottled Duck (Anas fulvigula) 1
Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) 2
Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) 3
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) 1
Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata) 6
American Coot (Fulica americana) 2
Laughing Gul (Leucophaeus atricilla) 3
Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) 4
Forster's Tern (Sterna forsteri) 2
Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) 2
Double-crested Cormorant (Nannopterum auritum) 20
Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) 1
Green Heron (Butorides virescens) 1
Great Egret (Ardea alba) 3
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) 4
White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) 1
Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) 5
Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) 1
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) 3
Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) 2
Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) 1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) 3
Nanday Parakeet (Aratinga nenday) 6
Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) 1
Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) 5
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) 9
Fish Crow (Corvus ossifragus) 3
Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Corthylio calendula) 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea) 4
European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 6
Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) 4
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) 2
Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) 1
Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) 6
Boat-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major) 11
Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum) 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) 5
Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) 1

Come and sit, reflect, or just pay respect!

Lakes Park has a lovely, new park bench dedicated to Kevin Sweeney~ With the beautiful weather, sit on the bench in remembrance of Kevin or reflect upon the day.

Take the time to sit in this peaceful, quiet area and enjoy the views across the lake.

"We are so thankful to have this wonderful tribute for our son,"
said Diane & Gary Sweeney 

Lakes Park Nature Exploration

This activity is good for all ages but is aimed at families & children.
Happening every Friday through March! 4pm-5pm

Remember to dress for the weather, bring sunscreen, and water & please wear proper footwear

Check out our previous exploration with Rangers Jess & Yvette, both from J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island

Farmers Market & Lakes Park Plant & Craft Sale

💚 “Wherever you go, whatever you do, may the luck of the Irish be there with you! 💚

March 13th, 2024 & March 27th, 2024
Join us at The Lakes Park Plant & Craft Sale 

Our Farmers Market is here Every Wednesday
Both begin at 9am-1pm

🌼🌺Take a Botanic Garden Tour🌳🌿

Our Strolling Garden Tours will take you through the Fragrance Garden, the Community Garden & the Children's Garden

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month
9 am

The Fragrance Garden is a natural place for plant lovers, there you'll find nooks like the 🦋Butterfly Garden &🌹Heritage Rose Garden

The Community Garden provides a place for Locals to learn to grow their own food🍓🌻Volunteers harvest food from several dedicated beds to donate to a local soup kitchen

At The Children's Garden you'll find places that inspire young minds, The Living Wall, The Fruit Loop Section with🍌"Banana Fort" a look-out fort to hide in & watch for wildlife🐰& whimsically designed musical play stations🌸

Community Gardens
The Community Garden will be open to the public during the 'The Lakes Park 40th Anniversary Celebration' on April 20th, 2024.

All the beds are looking lush & green this year!

Leave your mark on Lakes Park !!

Dedicate a brick 🧱 to a loved 💗 one in honor of🍀 St. Patrick's Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Valentine's Day, etc.

Your donation will assist in creating beautiful paved paths in selected areas of the park.
Three locations to choose from:
The Train Station, the Children’s Garden or the Rose Garden.

✔️Complete the form here:

Mark your calendar for the SWFL Ag Expo at the Lee County Civic Center Complex
11831 Bayshore Rd, North Fort Myers, FL 33917

February 29th-March 10th, 2024

Check out the 
SWFL Ag Expo page for any information including entertainment, rides & more!

Promotional nights:
Purchase tickets:

Lee County Civic Center Complex
11831 Bayshore Rd.
North Fort Myers, FL 33917

Copyright © *|2024|* *|Lakes Park|*, All rights reserved. 

Our mailing address is:
*|PO Box 61076|* *|Ft. Myers, FL, 33906|*

A group of people are sitting on the ground in a park.
March 1, 2025
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🍀 March 2025 🍀 Newsletter
February 1, 2025
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 💕 January 2025 💕 Newsletter
January 1, 2025
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🎇🎆 January 2025 🎆🎇, Newsletter
December 4, 2024
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🎅🤶 December 2024 🎄🎁 Newsletter
November 1, 2024
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🦃 November 2024🦃 Newsletter
October 1, 2024
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🍂October 2024🍂 Newsletter
September 3, 2024
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🌞 September, 2024🍂 Newsletter
August 2, 2024
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🌞 August, 2024 🌞 Newsletter
July 1, 2024
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🔴⚪🔵 July, 2024 🔵⚪🔴 Newsletter
June 1, 2024
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 🦅🌴June, 2024🛶🚲 Newsletter
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