Train Museum


January 1992-Museum created and incorporated as a NOT-FOR-PROFIT organization.


Mid-year 1992 Museum opened in donated space downtown Ft. Myers.


August 1992- Locomotive 143 is acquired from the Florida Gulf Coast Railroad Museum located in Tampa and transported to Ft. Myers put in. storage for future use, 


Early 1993- First Railroad Days event is held at Centennial Park in Ft. Myers.


Fall 1993- Ideas/Plans are developed and presented to Lee County Parks & Rec. for Train Village miniature train attraction for Lakes Park.


Winter 1994-Second Railroad Days event is held at Terry Park in Ft. Myers featuring Willard Scott. 

Spring 1994- Museum relocates to the Metro Mall in Ft. Myers.


Spring 1994-Lee County Park crew clears right-of-way for Train Village railroad at Lakes Park.


Sping/Summer 1994- Museum volunteers construct track panels, trestle and Village buildings off site for the Lakes Park & Gulf Railroad and Train Village. Volunteers start constructing the one mile plus railroad.


Summer 1994-Museum volunteers acquired passenger carrying rolling stock and locomotives to pull the upcoming trains.


Fall 1994-Storage container/shed was acquired by the Museum and placed at Lakes Park to store the railroads trains. 


December 1994- On December 10th, 1994 the Train Village's Lakes Park & Gulf Railroad operated trains for the public for the first time


December 1994- The Holiday Express holiday trains operated in the evening for the first time through Dec. 30th..


January 1995- The Train Village's Grand Opening was held on January 7th with museum members, volunteers and county officals present to take a ride on the railroad. 


Spring 1995- Locomotive 143 is moved to Lakes Park.


Fall 1995- Halloween Express night trains operate for the first time. 


1997-1999 Museum operates out of donated space at the Shell Factory in N. Ft. Myers.


2000- Museum volunteers build a new ticket office and station loading shelter for the Train Village.


1999-2001 Cosmetic restoration of locomotive 143 is performed with funding assistance coming from private foundations.and State of Florida historic preservation matching grants. 


Spring 2003- Shelter is constructed over historic locomotive 143.


2007-2008 Lee County approves constructing a Museum building at Lakes Park to bring the Museum's operation to one location. Museum provides $50,000 toward the cost of construction. 


Early 2008- A caboose is donated to the Museum and brought to Lakes Park.


Late 2017 early 2018 A new train shed is constructed to provide train storage and work areas for Museum volunteers. Building cost $55,000.


May/Oct. 2019- The Museum funds the construction of a new passenger loading station at a total cost over $250,000.


An aerial view of a lake with a playground in the foreground

The Railroad Station includes a playground, interpretive center, a miniature railroad and the George A. Underwood Locomotion Pavilion (in center) 

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