Interested in the Community Garden? Read this!

Interested in the Community Garden? Read this!

A sign for the community garden is surrounded by trees

THANK YOU for your interest in the Lakes Park Community Garden. We typically receive two or three inquiries per week, so your interest is appreciated. It is our pleasure to provide a place for Lee County residents to grow their own food. 

Lakes Park Community Garden Membership

Membership in the Community Garden is a year-round commitment, so full-time Lee County residents are preferred. Due to the high demand for garden beds it is necessary to request that gardeners actively grow plants in their beds for at least 6 months each contract year.

Benefits and responsibilities of membership include:

  • Keep beds orderly, and volunteer to help keep the rest of the garden tidy
  • Help us to harvest and donate food to the Community Cooperative soup kitchen
  • Enjoy educational experiences and Community planting activities.
  • Make wonderful friendships with their fellow gardeners
  • Help to feed the community with surplus produce
  • Grow and eat REAL food

It’s no wonder that everyone wants to join! There are only 74 beds available for rental, so we devised a way to notify all who are interested of any vacancies, without causing an administrative nightmare for our volunteers. Here’s how it works:


Right now, we are preparing for the renewal period for the 2024-2025 growing season. The renewal deadline is September 30th, so by October 1st, we will release the non-renewed beds. At that point, we will send an email to the Community Garden Notifications mailing list, and announce what’s available. It will be first come, first served, so whomever replies first gets to apply for a bed. We will repeat this process throughout the year, should any beds become available.

Here is a link to get yourself on the Community Garden Notifications mailing list:

Again, thanks for your interest. We believe this is the best and most fair system for keeping the beds rented and keeping the community happy.

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